Module graph¶
A module containing Graph class. We assume that every graph is simple, i.e., there is no loops or multi edges.
(graph_dict={})[source]¶ -
(edge)[source]¶ Add an edge to graph. Assumes that edge is of type set, tuple or list. No loops or multiple edges.
Returns: Returns true if edge is not present, otherwise false.
(edges)[source]¶ Adds a list of edges to graph.
Parameters: edges – a list of edges to be added Returns: void
(vertex)[source]¶ - If vertex is not in self.__graph_dict, a key “vertex” with an empty list
- as a value is added to the dictionary. Otherwise nothing has to be done.
Returns: True if the vertex is not present in the graph, otherwise false.
()[source]¶ Computes the number of connected components and the size of each componenent
Returns: a pair: thi first entry is the number of components, the second is a list constaining sizes of components
()[source]¶ Computes connected components.
Returns: a list of lists, each containing vertices from the same conn component.
()[source]¶ Degree sequence is a list of all degrees in non-increasing order.
Returns: a degree sequence of the graph
()[source]¶ Density is ratio of number of edges and number of edges that complete graph has with the same number of vertices.
Returns: returns the density of the graph
()[source]¶ Computes the diameter of the graph.
Returns: The maximum of distances between any pair of nodes or infinity if the graph is not connected
(degree_seq=None)[source]¶ Erdos Gallai theorem states that a non-increasing sequence of n numbers d_i is a degree sequence of a simple graph if and only if the sum of sequence is even and the condition $sum_{i=1}^{k}{d_i} leq k(k-1) + sum_{i=k+1}^n min(d_i, k) ext{ for all } k$ This can be implemented in time $O(n)$. However, the current implementation requires O(n^2) time.
Parameters: degree_seq – If it is None, then the degree sequence of the graph is used. Returns: True if the degree sequence satisfies both conditions and False otherwise
()[source]¶ Global clustering coefficient is the ratio of number of triangles and number of connected triplets of vertices
Returns: float, clustering coefficient of the graph
(u, v)[source]¶ Parameters: - u – a vertex of the graph
- v – a vertex of the graph
Returns: Returns True if v is in the neighborhood of u. It raises KeyError if u is not present in the graph.
(vertex)[source]¶ Checks if the vertex is already created. Returns True if it is otherwise False
Parameters: vertex – name of the vertex Returns: true if vertex is in the graph, false otherwise
(filename=None)[source]¶ Reads graph from a file.
Parameters: filename – path to the file Returns: True if the graph is read successfully. If filename is not specified or it does not exist, ValueError and IOError are raised (respectively).
(u=None, v=None)[source]¶ Computes the shortest path between u and v. If both of them are None, then computes the shorthest path between all pair of vertices. If u is not None and v is None, then it computes the shortest path between u and all other vertices. Finally, if both of them are not None, it computes the shorthest path between u and v.
Parameters: - u – the source vertex
- v – the end vertex
Returns: the shortest path
()[source]¶ Computes the spanning tree of the graph using Kruskal algorithm and union - find. Complexity: $O(mlog*(n))$
Returns: a list of tuples representing edges of the tree
(u, new_neighbors)[source]¶ Updates the list of vertices of a vertex. :param u: Vertex whose neighborhood is updated :param new_neighbors: (list) New neighbors of u :return: None