Source code for algorithms.barabasi_albert
Barabasi-Albert Model
This module contains functions for constructing
a random graph following the Barabasi-Albert model.
import numpy as np
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '../')
import graph
import erdos_renyi as er
[docs]def barabasi_albert(N, m, g=None, n=None, p=None, seed=1):
Creates a random graph following Barabasi-Albert model.
:param N: Number of vertices.
:param m: Number of neighbors for every new node.
:param g: A starting small network. If it is None, a small network is generated using erdos renyi model.
:return: An instance of Graph representing the created graph.
rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
if g is None:
p = rng.uniform(0, 1.0)
n = rng.randint(0, 20)
g = er.er_np(n, p)
if N <= n:
raise Exception("The total number of nodes"
"must be larger that the number of nodes"
"in the starting network")
for u in range(n, N):
degree_sum = 2*g.number_of_edges()
for u in range(n, N):
# construct probabilities
degree_dist = np.array(g.vertices_degree_list(), dtype=np.float32)
# note that it will not be connected to itself
# since u does not belong to the support of our pmf
probas = degree_dist / sum(degree_dist)
# print(sum(probas))
u_neighbors = rng.choice(g.vertices(), m, True, probas)
for v in u_neighbors:
g.add_edge((u, v))
return g